Story of Ota Benga, The Boy Stolen From Congo And Caged In A US Animals Zoo In 1904

In 1904, Ota Benga, a young African boy, was kidnapped from Congo and taken to the United States of America. On arrival, he was put in a zoo with monkeys and was displayed together with them.
By 1906, he had become popular among the white folk who go to watch him. On the 9th of September 1906, the New York Times published a report about a young African man, who was put on display in the monkey house in New York’s largest zoo. The article referred to him as “a so-called “pygmy”, and they used the headline “Bushman Shares a Cage with Bronx Park Apes”. The paper reported that over 500 white folks had gathered that day with their children to laugh and jeer at Benga. Reports say that he was 23 years, but still had the body of a boy.

The outing on the 9th of September was a good one for the zookeepers because they had a large turnout. They were expecting the next ones to be bigger, so they moved the boy to a much larger cage where he was joined with an orangutan named Dohang. As the crowd gathered and made jest of him, he sat still and stared at them in wonder. He wonders how could people be so mean to steal him from his home and treat him like an animal.
It was reported that by the end of that September of 1906, over 220,000 people had gone to the zoo to see Benga. One in their right sense and conscience would wonder what was so fulfilling in the caging and molesting a young boy. But no matter how much one wonders, one would still come to the conclusion that white-America has no conscience or soul.
The inhumane and satanic display of Ota Benga started to spread around the world. But as expected, the Caucasian world endorsed it while many Black ministers, scholars, and persons were angered by the insult of placing a Black man in a cage with animals.
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