Lily Allen Says Speaking Out About Being Sexually Assaulted Damaged Her Career

Lily Allen has said speaking out about being sexually assaulted has damaged her music career.

The British singer alleged she was assaulted in 2016 by a music industry executive in her 2018 autobiography "My Thoughts Exactly."

Speaking on the BBC podcast "The Next Episode," released Friday, she said: "I do feel like my career has been f**ked with as a result of talking about this stuff."

"On paper, the album that I released last time round, 'No Shame,' was the best reviewed album that I've ever had, and all the shows that I did were sold out, pretty much, apart from the ones in America," she said.

"But I did not get a particularly good run at festivals this season. I didn't get particularly big gigs offered to me. I didn't get a big marketing push behind my album campaign, even though it was probably the best record that I've ever written."

Warner Music has not yet responded to CNN's request for comment on Allen's suggestion that she hasn't been supported in her career since speaking out about the alleged assault, but in an earlier statement to CNN, a spokesperson said the company takes allegations of sexual misconduct extremely seriously.

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