Google Makes Biggest Corporate Purchase Of Renewable Energy

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has announced the biggest corporate purchase of renewable energy in history -- made up of a 1,600-megawatt (MW) package of agreements that includes 18 new energy deals.

"These deals will increase our worldwide portfolio of wind and solar agreements by more than 40 percent, to 5,500 MW equivalent to the capacity of a million solar rooftops," Pichai said in a statement late Thursday.

"Once all these projects come online, our carbon-free energy portfolio will produce more electricity than places like Washington D.C. or entire countries like Lithuania or Uruguay use each year," he added.

The announcement came at a time when hundreds of Google employees were scheduled to participate in the "Global Climate Strike" on Friday, led by students globally before the United Nation's climate summit on September 23.

In 2017, Google became the first company of its size to match its entire annual electricity consumption with renewable energy (and it did the same in 2018).


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