Adele Lim's 'Crazy Rich Asians' Pay Disparity Sparks #NotWorthLess Hashtag
Two weeks after The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Crazy Rich Asians's Adele Lim had left the franchise amid a sizable pay disparity with her co-screenwriter, scribes are taking to social media to reveal their own experiences with the pay gap.
Deirdre Mangan was the first to use the hashtag #NotWorthLess to share her story. "Much respect to Adele Lim for walking away from CRA. That's a heartbreaking decision to make," she wrote Tuesday afternoon. "The rampant pay inequality in the entertainment industry is archaic. Writers who are not able-bodied white men are #NotWorthLess."
"The #NotWorthLess tweets are disappointing and not at all surprising," wrote veteran comedy writer Travon Free, whose credits include The Daily Show, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and Black Monday, "especially seeing how on a show I worked on I know of white male writers with years less experience getting bumped up to my pay level in half the time while I got no raise the same year."
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend co-EP Audrey Wauchope wrote that she always asks about numbers and has found that in her ten-year career, she and writing partner Rachel Specter have always been paid less than male colleagues at the same level. "Oh, and there are two of us – two for the price of 0.75," she added, uploading an excerpt from one email to their agents: "We never realized until this week that everyone else at our level makes 1 to 4k more than us an episode… Is there no wiggle room to negotiate more than scale since there are two of us? It just feels like we're really being taken advantage of."
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